May 22, 2006

... so we've got introduced to Canada!

January 12, 2006

Dear friends and family,

Greetings to everyone from Vancouver, Canada. Happy New Year in 2006! May that the Lord will have mercy on us and bless us this year!
We are writing now at about five months since we have arrived in Vancouver. We are glad that the Lord has been with us so far, we have greatly enjoyed His help in everything that we have been through. Although it has been only five months, it seems like an year since we have left the ministry in Bacau, Romania and moved to Canada to continue my studies with Regent College in Vancouver. We have generally passed the cultural shock and we are continuing to adapt to the new place. The society that we encounter here seems unusual materialistic and multicultural for us, it was especially difficult to get around the city ant freeways. We have already moved a second time (when in Canada, do as Canadians do...) to another apartment, subsidized from the local government. Joshua and Timeea are doing well in English, quite integrated now in their school but missing very much Romania and their friends there. George Philip is now two years old, he speaks a lot now and all the rest of us spoils him, he is still home with us.

I have finished the first semester here at Regent and I have registered for the second one. Being student at Regent is not easy as teachers are quite demanding. I enjoy accessing few of the most famous theological libraries in Canada, a real delight but also and important help in my studies. As we have no lodging financial support we are constantly searching for jobs. Nicoleta finally got one these days; she is assisting adults in difficulties with a non-for-profit organization. We are also involved in Grace Romanian Baptist Church in Vancouver, were Theo Pope is pastoring.

One of the surprises that we have encountered here is meeting with some Albanians. For the first time after 2001, we were able to have a longer conversation in Albanian. We have managed to connect with an ex-singer from Kosovo, Lumjie and her husband and six children. We have realized that there are an important number of Albanian refugees from Kosovo and Albanian immigrants from Albania living in Vancouver. It also looks like there is no ministry aiming to the Albanians so we felt like we should continue to develop a deeper relationship with Lumjie, her family and some friend families living in Vancouver. We certainly hope that the Lord will work in their family so they all could be saved.

We expect great things from God this year! Entrusting in His hand and waiting that He should point the way that we are to move we are confident that He will do great things. Please pray with us that we would be lead by Him in this New Year 2006.

Please continue to pray:
- That in our family the Lord will continue to provide enough strength for providing to our children, for studies and for a complete integration of the children in the schooling system.
- That the Lord will continue to work with Lumjie, her family, and the ministry among other Albanians in Vancouver.
- That He will give us a vision and a hope for the future.

With love in Christ,
George, Nicoleta and Joshua, Timeea and George-Philip DUMITRAŞCU