April 24, 2007


For Regent Graduation Photos please go online at http://picasaweb.google.com/gdumitrascu/GraduationAtRegent

Hope you enjoy!


April 17, 2007


I wrote last time about getting close to the real finish... well, now is done. I am finished. This last week I had my last exam, another week before that I handed in my last paper. Now... it is done. The next big event will be my graduation ceremony here in Vancouver at the Broadway Church. Few friends will hopefully join us in celebrating this big event.

In moments as these, I tend to look back and remember. It seems like these two years have passed to quick.... Regent's 'hard food' challenged everything in me. I think I rushed too fast finishing in two years this program that normally takes three years. Some of the consequences are clearly seen: stress and loss of eyesight. Children have truly missed me...i do look back sometime, and the ministry in Bacau looks so far... Albania it seems even farther.... very soon these years at Regent will take their place in the remembrance line ...

However, we can not look back without recognizing God's small and big miracles. Nicoleta's part time job that helped us to survive financially, our small townhouse with subsidized rent, difficult moments that were changed to victory in God's hands. Thank you Lord! None of these would have been ever possible without your miraculous intervention.

Hard and radical questions are haunting my mind: who am I now, what am I going to do now, and probably the most important - "were these years worth at all???" It is in this context that I remember the image of the last chapel. Curious enough, the professor who spoke brought few stone with him. His main point was that each of us collect stones: we do throw stones to each other, use them as stumbling stones, use them as remembrance stones (as Abraham did)... or use them to build a house.... Well, I guess I would like rather build that house than throw them in others. Let me think.... yeah, I could rather use them for a different type of house, the eternal one!

Well this is all about us for the moment. More news and pictures after graduation.

George Dumitrascu